
Vetting Sub-Committee
Building Information Modelling
Advanced Construction Technologies
Modular Integrated Construction
Manpower Development
Steering Committee on CITF
A Steering Committee on CITF led by the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) and comprising industry representatives is set up by the DEVB to advise the Government on the key parameters and implementation of CITF, and assist in monitoring the use and cost-effectiveness of CITF.
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works)
Mr. CHAN Che-bun
Mr. Anthony CHAN Yin-chung
Mr. Kenneth CHEUNG Tat-fai
Ar. Rachel CHOW Ka-wing
Ir Alex KWAN King-fai
Ir John KWONG Ka-sing
Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi-hong
Cr Sr Dick LI Tak-hong
Mr. Sam LIN Ching-sum
Ms. Rainie PAN Hailin
Ir Ringo SHEA Tat-chi
Ir Edwin TONG Ka-hung, SBS
Ar. Gilman WAN Tsz-kin
Executive Director, Construction Industry Council
Director of Buildings
Deputy Director (Development and Construction), Housing Department
Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) 1, Development Bureau
Terms of reference
• To steer the implementation of the Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF), including its scope, eligibility, and form of support;
• To monitor the utilisation of the CITF;
• To review the efficacy of the CITF in upgrading the industry in terms of innovation and technology; and
• To consider any other related matters to facilitate the industry to adopt technology and enhance manpower development.
Management Committee on CITF
The CIC has set up the Management Committee of the CITF to oversee the CITF operations.
- - Ir Edwin TONG Ka-hung, SBS
Ir Albert CHENG Ting-ning
Ir Alice CHOW
Ir Danny HUNG Cheung-shew
Dr. Anthony LEUNG Kwan
Ms. Kiki WANG
Ir Andrew YOUNG
A representative from the Development Bureau
Terms of reference
• To formulate and recommend for the Council’s approval, the operational framework of the Construction Innovation and
Technology Fund (CITF);
• To ensure the CITF is operated properly and efficiently in accordance with the approved operational framework;
• To report to the Council on the operation of the CITF; and
• To decide on all matters relating to the CITF operation as and when required, subject to the Council’s ultimate decision.
Vetting Sub-committee on CITF
The Management Committee on CITF established four Vetting Sub-committees on CITF, namely, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT), Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) and Manpower Development. All four Vetting Sub-committees are composited by experts in each of the areas. four panels in subject areas of technologies and manpower development.
Terms of reference
• To provide expert advice on the adaptability of the innovation and technologies proposed by the industry stakeholders;
• To review and endorse the Pre-approved Product Scheme applications;
• To vet and approve the applications to the CITF; and
• To bring in the latest innovation and technological development which the CITF shall be aware of and to bring to the attention of
the construction industry.
Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Vetting Sub-committeeMembership
Chairperson – Prof. Jack CHENG Chin-pang
- Ms. Alice CHAN
- Mr. Joe LEE
- Ms. Can LEUNG
- Mr. Elvis LI
- Mr. LO Tak-cheung
- Mr. Paul MUI
- Mr. Simon NG
- Mr. Kevin WONG
- Sr Michael WONG
- A representative from the Development Bureau
- A representative from the Buildings Department
Advanced Construction Technologies (ACT)
Vetting Sub-committeeMembership
Chairperson – Ir Derek SO
- Prof. George HUANG
- Ir Ivan KWAN
- Ir Stephen LAI
- Dr. Ir Andy LEE
- Ir Vincent TAM
- Ir Thomas TONG
- Mr. David TSE
- Mr. WONG Hon-fai
- Ir Prof. Michael YAM
- A representative from the Development Bureau
- A representative from the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)
Vetting Sub-committeeMembership
Chairperson – Ir John KWONG
- Mr. Stanley CHEN
- Ir Franco CHEUNG
- Ir Victor CHEUNG
- Dr. Louis CHU
- Dr. Goman HO
- Mr. Ben LAU
- Mr. Felix TANG
- A representative from the Development Bureau
- A representative from the Buildings Department
Manpower Development
Vetting Sub-committeeMembership
Chairperson – Ir Prof. Kwok-fai CHUNG
- Dr. Ir Johnny CHEUK
- Prof. Sr Eddie HUI
- Ms. Sunnie S.Y. LAU
- Mr. Johnson LING
- Ir Prof. Ray SU
- Cr Alfred TANG
- Sr Paul WONG
- Mr. Daniel YIP Toa-sun
- A representative from the Development Bureau
- A representative from the Civil Engineering and Development Department